Hi there! I started my coding journey in 2020 at the age of 12. It all began
with Python, where I first created some Discord Bots. As I got more into coding, I explored APIs using tools like FastAPI. I then moved on to mastering CLI apps before diving into frontend
development. Learning SvelteKit & TailwindCSS opened up a whole new world for me. Now, I enjoy building full-stack applications.
My coding journey is ongoing, and I love the challenges and growth it brings.
Coding, to me, is an artistic expression, a harmonious combination of logic and
grace that shapes smooth user experiences. As my projects grew, so did my love
for coding. Now, I eagerly anticipate the future, ready to make a lasting impact,
one elegant line of code at a time.

Aero makes listening to music feel light and breezy.

Clash With JPA
FWA experts in War-Farming, offering diverse clans and simultaneous 50v50 FWA wars and CWL action. Join one of the clans in our family today!

Introducing Rythmify, your go-to web music player that's designed to amplify your moments.

Bit Box
Elevate your coding skills with Bit Box. Whether you're a developer, a designer, a student, or anyone else who works with code, Bit Box makes it easy to share your work and get feedback from others.

Swayam's Portfolio
My porfolio & work website. Shows all my info, my projects etc. Check it!

Multi DL
A multimedia downloader which can download any video, music, playlist, album etc via url, keywords etc. Supports both YouTube and Spotify.

Square Bot
Advance multipurpose discord bot for all your needs. Contains a powerful music player with high quality music. Contains 100+ commands.